
Monday 21 September 2009


So we've had an offer accepted on a house! It seems as though the mortgage application is going OK, that is our FA (Financial Advisor not Football Association!) hasn't told us of any brick walls hit yet. This all seems very grown up. Walking around the area when we went to view the house it struck us how very suburban it all was. Can we really live there? Will we really not be awoken at 03:00 in the morning by pissed people shouting/wanting there keys back because they have to go to work in the morning? No more suspicious exchanges of money under our living room window? I've almost got used to Chavs shouting at the top of their voices down the street! Mmmm maybe not.

I think marriage and buying a house are meant to be two huge life events. Of course marriage was a massive life event, but it was easy. I love my wife very much, and I wanted nothing more than to marry her. Buying a house is a massive financial commitment though. I'm sure Abi will still love me if I don't have a job, or am very ill for a long time. However, there are more serious financial repercussions to these situations when you have mortgage repayments to make!

Anyway, I'm jabbering on (mmmm, interesting. google. It seems the spell check in Chrome likes the spelling of "jabbering" but not google! Go figure). Too much for the two people who read this blog. So I shall end with a quote I read on the Guardian website today: "Tesco: Never will you seen such a hive of scum and villainy!"

Friday 4 September 2009


Man it rained yesterday! Serious flooding on a lot of roads, and some people from Elgin were being evacuated from their homes!
I was still able to make it to work though. Not that I've had much to do. Cells have grown really slow, they should be ready by about 17:00, at which point I'm going home, I'll do the Luciferase assay on Monday.

Weekend! I hope that we will get out cycling on one of the days if it doesn't rain all weekend. Abi is desperate to go out on her new bike, she's buying lots of accessories as well. I'm sure I could do with some new tyres, and I might like some body geometry handlebar grips.

Well since I can't do any lab work for the next fours hours I'll try and fight with GIMP again (GNU Image Manipulation Programme) to try and superimpose my GFP image with that of the yeast cells.

Thursday 3 September 2009


I guess in these days of mobile web phones, I should be able to Blog
from my phone.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

10 Year Old

So apparently Blogger is 10 years old now, seems like that should be worth a blog.
Went out to Inverurie to see another house this evening. Quite a nice semi detached, but quite lacking in storage space. Can't decide if we need to slim down our inventory or try and find a house with lots of storage space!
The trains out were rubbish again. Got to Dyce and the doors were buggered, so we were stuck there for 15 min as they were fixed (with some reversing and bumping of the rear carriages into the front carriages!).

I'm sure I was going to write about other things, but I can't remember now. I'm sure I will remember when I have shut the computer down.
